LiveEO News


May 15, 2024

Legal Experts CMS partner with LiveEO for EUDR legality checks

CMS and LiveEO aim to simplify compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) for businesses. Through the TradeAware platform by LiveEO, to which CMS contributes the legal aspect, it's possible to manage legal, technical, and administrative issues related to due diligence responsibilities. This united approach is designed to efficiently navigate the complex requirements of the EUDR, making it easier for affected companies to comply with the regulations.

Simplifying Due Diligence with TradeAware

TradeAware by LiveEO is designed to simplify regulatory compliance for suppliers. In addition to the precise detection of deforestation events, the platform allows for the uploading of essential documents and the completion of due diligence questionnaires. It ensures the secure storage of documentation and generates detailed due diligence statements, making compliance significantly more efficient.

Enhanced Due Diligence by CMS

By conducting additional checks on the correct adherence to due diligence obligations, CMS enhances the capability of TradeAware. Based on extensive experience in this field, CMS reviews compliance with the EUDR requirements, including information gathering, risk assessment, and risk mitigation measures. CMS's services encompass evaluating existing compliance strategies and, if necessary, recommending further actions. This comprehensive legal review facilitates adaptation to the EUDR regulations, streamlining the process for businesses to align with these standards efficiently.

Achieving Comprehensive Compliance

The synergy between LiveEO's technology and CMS's legal expertise offers a potent solution for achieving EUDR compliance. This collaboration not only simplifies the due diligence process but also ensures that businesses meet the EUDR's rigorous standards through a combination of deforestation risk assessment with market-leading legal review.

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