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LiveEO News
December 23, 2022

LiveEO Certified Carbon Neutral by ClimatePartner

In November this year, LiveEO achieved its ‘Carbon Emissions 2022’ objective becoming officially carbon neutral, as certified by ClimatePartner.
To achieve this, the company carried out a thorough assessment of our direct CO2 footprint, and then offset our carbon emissions by supporting a carbon negative wind energy project in South Africa, for a total of 63,250 kg CO2.
This wind project, located near De Aar in South Africa, harnesses the region’s wind energy through 96 turbines, feeding sustainable energy into the country’s electricity grid. Since 2017, it has produced an average of 439,600 MWh of electricity per year.

Carbon neutrality may have been achieved for our own activities, but the work is not done. LiveEO will continue to execute a yearly CO2 footprint assessment to maintain neutrality while also striving to reduce indirect emissions*–those produced by other companies providing products or services to LiveEO–by planning better and choosing low-carbon options where we can.

*Indirect emissions are those occurring outside the company, such as from the production of raw materials and precursors, external logistics, as well as the use and disposal of products or other processes.

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