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LiveEO News
October 14, 2021

LiveEO wins Planet Purpose Award

For the first time ever, Satellite Operator Planet gave out their Purpose Award. It is awarded to selected customers to celebrate companies that are leading the way in the respective categories that align with Planet’s core values. LiveEO won the Award in the category "Be Collaborative".

The Be Collaborative Award is meant to showcase how groups and partnerships can collaborate to do something that each individual could not accomplish alone. In his award speech, Planet's VP Global Customer Success, Mike Merit, acknowledged LiveEO's constructive feedback to improve their SkySat product.

“The first commercial contract we signed with a satellite operator in our founding year 2018 was with Planet. The reason for this was the market-leading position in enabling scalable access to the data via API in combination with great coverage of PlanetScope imagery. Nowadays, we are also innovating together fully automated products based on SkySat tasking. Together, we are going where no one has gone before.” LiveEO's Co-Founder Daniel Seidel commented on the award and the partnership with Planet.

We are super happy to have won the award because it reflects our spirit to develop our solution in close collaboration with our partners and customers alike to bring the most value to the market!

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